First Editions. Commission 2013

Image title: En Attendant Godot
Samuel Beckett
Editions de Minuit
Paris 1952

Image title: Poems
T.S. Eliot
Alfred A. Knopf 
New York 1920

Image title: Querelle de Brest
Jean Genet
Drawings by Jean Cocteau
Anonymously Europe 1947

Image title: Brave New World
Aldous Huxley
Chatto & Windus
London 1932

Image title: Ulysses
James Joyce
Shakespeare and Company
Paris 1922

Image title: Darkness at Noon
Arthur Koestler
New York 1941

Image title: Nineteen Eighty-Four
George Orwell
Secker & Warburg
London 1949

All artwork and images © Veronica Bailey 2025.