Title: Mellow Fruitfulness
Title: Ripeness to the Core
Title: Rosy Hue
Title: Season of Mists
Title: Later Flowers
Title: Twined Flowers
Title: Treble Soft
Title: Light Wind
Title: Maturing Suns
Title: Warm Days
Title: To Autumn
Title: Thy Music
Title: Small Gnats Morn
Title: For Summer
Title: Soft Dying Day
Title: Winnowing Wind
By overlaying colour within the still life landscape, the Colourfields series seeks to explore a theme of 'renewal'. This proposition is complemented with reference to the poem 'To Autumn' - written by the English romantic poet John Keats (1795 - 1821) - each of the sixteen artworks being titled as a line extracted from the original prose.
Images photographed during the autumn of 2013 were revisited six months later, with an application of Aniline dye inks. This process sought to revive and regenerate the flora forgotten from a previous point in time, whilst altering the original materiality. The pigment of these aniline dyes is fugitive. Its intensity decays rapidly. Therefore these reawakened, transient artworks were frozen in time, by means of scanning, and reproduction as lambda prints.
Images photographed during the autumn of 2013 were revisited six months later, with an application of Aniline dye inks. This process sought to revive and regenerate the flora forgotten from a previous point in time, whilst altering the original materiality. The pigment of these aniline dyes is fugitive. Its intensity decays rapidly. Therefore these reawakened, transient artworks were frozen in time, by means of scanning, and reproduction as lambda prints.
Edition 12 + 2 A/P. Durst Lambda Fuji Archival Diasec Print .
Print size 1: H 620 x W 450 mm Edition 5
Print size 2: H 818 x W 594 mm Edition 4
Print size 3: H 1159 x W 841 mm . Edition 3
Landscape sizes
A1 W 841 x W 645
A0 H 1188 x W 911
Edition 12 + 2 A/P. Durst Lambda Fuji Archival Diasec Print .
Print size 1: H 620 x W 450 mm Edition 5
Print size 2: H 818 x W 594 mm Edition 4
Print size 3: H 1159 x W 841 mm . Edition 3
Landscape sizes
A1 W 841 x W 645
A0 H 1188 x W 911
All artwork and images © Veronica Bailey 2024.